San Francisco Officially Designates “I Love Tenderloin Week” April 30 to May 6

SAN FRANCISCO — Highlighting one of the most diverse and vibrant communities in the heart of San Francisco, neighborhood leaders this year are piloting “I Love Tenderloin Week,” seven days and nights of cultural events and activities to celebrate the city’s most diverse neighborhood. Following a unanimous vote on Tuesday by the Board of Supervisors, San Francisco is now officially designating April 30 through May 6, 2023 to be “I Love Tenderloin Week.”

“My office is proud to work with organizers of “I Love Tenderloin Week” in its inaugural year,” said Supervisor Dean Preston, who represents the neighborhood on the Board of Supervisors. “There is so much to love about this neighborhood, and as city leaders, we need to uplift the small businesses, history, culture, and diversity of the Tenderloin.”

I Love Tenderloin Week is a grassroots initiative by residents and community partners to celebrate the downtown San Francisco neighborhood. The week kicked off with a Tenderloin Beautification Day, where over 100 volunteers spent the morning cleaning, washing, and decorating the neighborhood, followed by a block party in Dodge Alley. The rest of the week’s events include performances by local artists and musicians, movie nights, walking tours, book talks and more.

“I love that when people come to spend time with us in the Tenderloin, they notice the light, courage, intelligence, strength, and creativity of the people who live and work in this community,” said Carmen Barsody, Co-Director, Faithful Fools, a longstanding Tenderloin organization that serves the neighborhood through a robust arts and education program.

A full calendar of events can be found here, or at



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